Saturday, March 4, 2023

Marine Mandala

 Ok, ok, I know it's not Sunday YET, not even in the country where I live. But I decided to post Sunday mandalas beforehand for you to be able to cozy up with your coloring page on Sunday - since you'll need to print them out, getting them on Saturdays may be handy. 

Are you dreaming of the sea? Or do you have it within a walking distance? Whatever, right? Sea will be sea, thousands of miles or meters away, it's hypnotizing and magical. 

To tell the truth, I wanted this one to be light and fun, just like a couple of hours spent on the beach in the childhood. BTW, did you go to the sea when you were a child? I didn't, first saw it in my teenage years, so I'm relating to my own child's experience. He was just fascinated by the Mediterranean when he was 3.  

Pssssssst... here's a secret: if you write to me, you can get the file to print on A3 format (still for personal use only)

Feel free to download the PDF, you'll find there the mandala with "normal" borders and the same one with "faded" borders which you can first trace and then color. It can be just for fun, or for the cases when you want your borders to be different color / colors or even different width / sickness. By the way, the image is hand-drawn, as all my coloring pages.


The link for downloading: Marine Mandala

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